JiggleFiiT samba classes

Unlock, shake and jiggle your beautiful body with some beginner samba classes. Bring positive energy and empowerment into your life with these fun classes. Classes are in London or Croydon. A great way to relieve stress and help improve your mental and physical health. Not to mention, samba is a lot of fun!

Croydon: Samba Funk classes are on 9 and 23 October

London beginners workshops are on 13 October in Oval and 26 October. in Hackney.

Online samba classes for beginners

Join my online classes for beginners. If you've always wanted to learn the vibrant and energetic dance of samba, this is your chance.

These classes are perfect for those who are new to samba and want to get started in a fun and supportive environment. You'll learn the basic steps, rhythms, and movements that make samba so exciting.

Samba FAQ

  • Samba is a lively, rhythmic Brazilian dance that originated in Afro-Brazilian countries like Angola and Congo. There are many styles of samba and it has a deep and rich culture. Watch more about it with this video.

  • This really depends on how much you practice and how quick of a learner you are. One thing I will say is that if this is completely new for you, take your time. It can be tricky to understand the counts and you will probably feel uncoordinated and a bit awkward, but that’s completely normal. Progression over perfection is the goal here, so celebrate every lesson you attend.

  • Of course. Samba does not discriminate. Anyone can learn to samba and it doesn’t matter about your age, body type or gender. You can learn to samba with practice and dedication.

  • Samba is a dance and it can help strengthen muscle in just about every part of your body and sculpt, tone and strengthen your body. Dancing helps improve balance, flexibility, and coordination.

Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳


When Nana isn’t twerking, she’s shaking her hips to samba music. Samba is Nana’s first love and has recently started teaching samba.

Nana is a certified group exercise to music teacher and has been to Brazil to train with some of the world’s best samba teachers. She’s also a Passista for Paraíso School of Samba in London.

She’s paraded at Notting Hill, Luton and Liverpool Carnival. Danced at private events and performed at live shows with her samba school.

Learning samba has made Nana appreciate all the jiggles and wiggles her body makes. Samba makes her feel powerful, confident and unashamed of her body. And she wants other people to feel the same sense of joy and freedom when they dance.

Nana is teaching people how to shake their stuff and to feel great about their bodies. Her classes have been described as energetic, body positive, and the best confidence booster. Nana is out to prove (like her instagram name) that ‘This Black Woman Can’ do anything she sets her mind to.